Your search of Barry University Photograph Collection for
"From left to right, bottom to top%3a Terry Maureau (nee Hendricks), Genevieve Grubbs (nee Fox), Mary Margaret Collins (nee Cline), Irene Carboner (nee Patterson), Georgiana McDermott (nee Doyle), Barbara DeCillis, Mary Rose Goetz (nee Riordan), Valerie Rolfs (nee Wawrzynak), Else Schulzen (nee Niebhur), Gwendolyn Haerting (nee Gorman), Catherine Lipkin (nee Mykytka), Meta Barry (nee Schmitz), Ann Desmond (nee Scannell), Mary Ann Potter (nee Stadler), Ruth Raftery (nee Mahoney), Therese Schwab (nee Mathes), Mary McGowan (nee McGaffigan) and Agnes Helm (nee McCarron)." in abstract
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